var templateLocalizations = {"New!":"New!","Note:":"Note:","DID YOU KNOW...":"DID YOU KNOW...","Show":"Show","Expand":"Expand","

Drag & Resize<\/h3>

to crop the photo.<\/h4>":"

Drag & Resize<\/h3>

to crop the photo.<\/h4>","%s-Item Look Layouts":"%s-Item Look Layouts","%s looks":"%s looks","%s's
Lookbook doesn't have any sections yet!":"%s's
Lookbook doesn't have any sections yet!","%s's
Finds doesn't have any sections yet!":"%s's
Finds doesn't have any sections yet!","Add Items":"Add Items","Add Lookbook Section":"Add Lookbook Section","Add New Look":"Add New Look","Oops! Unable to duplicate section. Please check your connection and try again.":"Oops! Unable to duplicate section. Please check your connection and try again.","Finds Item Copied Successfully!":"Finds Item Copied Successfully!","Looks Item Copied Successfully!":"Looks Item Copied Successfully!","Add Section to Closet":"Add Section to Closet","Add Section to Finds":"Add Section to Finds","Alternative Layouts":"Alternative Layouts","Alternative Layouts with %s Items":"Alternative Layouts with %s Items","An outfit must have at least 1 item!":"An outfit must have at least 1 item!","Are you sure you want to remove this item from this section? This item and all its information will be permanently removed if you proceed.":"Are you sure you want to remove this item from this section? This item and all its information will be permanently removed if you proceed.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this section?":"Are you sure you want to permanently delete this section?","Are you sure you want to permanently move this item to your Closet? (Hint: Have you tried it on yet?)":"Are you sure you want to permanently move this item to your Closet? (Hint: Have you tried it on yet?)","Are you sure you want to remove this Look from the Lookbook? Any comments on the Look will be permanently deleted if you proceed.":"Are you sure you want to remove this Look from the Lookbook? Any comments on the Look will be permanently deleted if you proceed.","Ask your stylist for ideas how to wear this item.":"Ask your stylist for ideas how to wear this item.","Bag & Wallet":"Bag & Wallet","Belt":"Belt","Bought:":"Bought:","Bracelet":"Bracelet","Brand":"Brand","Bought it!":"Bought it!","Cancel":"Cancel","Client Finds<\/em> are organized by 'Sections.' Click the 'Add Section to Finds'<\/b> button in the left sidebar to get started.":"Client Finds<\/em> are organized by 'Sections.' Click the 'Add Section to Finds'<\/b> button in the left sidebar to get started.","Click To Change Layout":"Click To Change Layout","Click To Edit Section Title":"Click To Edit Section Name","CLICK TO EXPAND":"CLICK TO EXPAND","Coat":"Coat","Comment":"Comment","Comments":"Comments","Copy...":"Copy...","Copy Section To...":"Copy Section To...","Create":"Create","Create A Look":"Create A Look","Create A Section to Get Started!":"Create A Section to Get Started!","When you find the perfect items, add them to this Finds<\/em> section to share with your audience.":"When you find the perfect items, add them to this Finds<\/em> section to share with your audience.","When you find the perfect items, add them to this Finds<\/em> section to share with your client.":"When you find the perfect items, add them to this Finds<\/em> section to share with your client.","You can add items via the %s \u2702 Clip It! Chrome Extension %s":"You can add items via the %s \u2702 Clip It! Chrome Extension %s","Or drag them onto this section in the left sidebar while in Drag-N-Drop mode.":"Or drag them onto this section in the left sidebar while in Drag-N-Drop mode.","Earn affiliate commission from over 70,000 retailer websites when your audience (or even you!) click through a link in the Finds<\/em> and make a purchase. Commissions from sales will appear a few days later on the Earnings page!":"Earn affiliate commission from over 70,000 retailer websites when your audience (or even you!) click through a link in the Finds<\/em> and make a purchase. Commissions from sales will appear a few days later on the Earnings page!","Earn affiliate commission from over 70,000 retailer websites when your clients (or even you!) click through a link in the Finds<\/em> and make a purchase. Commissions from sales will appear a few days later on the Earnings page!":"Earn affiliate commission from over 70,000 retailer websites when your clients (or even you!) click through a link in the Finds<\/em> and make a purchase. Commissions from sales will appear a few days later on the Earnings page!","Edit Look":"Edit Look","Edit Description":"Edit Description","Edit Video":"Edit Video","Create Looks<\/em> in this Catalog from items in your client Wardrobes and Catalogs. To get started, press the %s New Look %s button on the section title above, or click the button below.":"Create Looks<\/em> in this Catalog from items in your client Wardrobes and Catalogs. To get started, press the %s New Look %s button on the section title above, or click the button below.","Create Looks<\/em> in this Lookbook from items in your client Wardrobes and Catalogs. To get started, press the %s New Look %s button on the section title above, or click the button below.":"Create Looks<\/em> in this Lookbook from items in your client Wardrobes and Catalogs. To get started, press the %s New Look %s button on the section title above, or click the button below.","Crop":"Crop","Date purchased...":"Date purchased...","Delete":"Delete","Delete Comment":"Delete Comment","Delete Item":"Delete Item","Delete This Item":"Delete This Item","Delete Section":"Delete Section","Description":"Description","Details or Tips to Show With This Look:":"Details or Tips to Show With This Look:","Drag & Resize":"Drag & Resize","Drag & Resize to crop the photo.":"Drag & Resize to crop the photo.","Drag to Change Section Order":"Drag to Change Section Order","Details":"Details","Dress":"Dress","Edit":"Edit","Edit Item Details":"Edit Item Details","Earrings":"Earrings","Empty Section":"Empty Section","Enter a description for this Look...":"Enter a description for this Look...","Export":"Export","Eyewear":"Eyewear","Finds Are Currently Hidden<\/u> From Your Audience!":"Finds Are Currently Hidden<\/u> From Your Audience!","Finds Are Currently Hidden<\/u> From Your Client!":"Finds Are Currently Hidden<\/u> From Your Client!","Finds sections with no items will be hidden. Remember to check how a Wardrobe or Catalog will appear by clicking the Preview<\/b> button!":"Finds sections with no items will be hidden. Remember to check how a Wardrobe or Catalog will appear by clicking the Preview<\/b> button!","For Looks With %s Items":"For Looks With %s Items","Hat":"Hat","If you wish to remove this section, you may assign all recent uploads to other Closet sections!
When no items remain in this section, it will be hidden.":"If you wish to remove this section, you may assign all recent uploads to other Closet sections!
When no items remain in this section, it will be hidden.","Items":"Items","Jacket":"Jacket","Jeans":"Jeans","Label:":"Label:","Layouts for %s Items":"Layouts for %s Items","Like?":"Like?","Looks With This Item":"Looks With This Item","Lookbook sections with no Looks will be hidden. Remember to check how a Wardrobe or Catalog will appear by clicking the Preview<\/b> button!":"Lookbook sections with no Looks will be hidden. Remember to check how a Wardrobe or Catalog will appear by clicking the Preview<\/b> button!","Looks Are Currently Hidden<\/u> From Your Audience!":"Looks Are Currently Hidden<\/u> From Your Audience!","Looks Are Currently Hidden<\/u> From Your Client!":"Looks Are Currently Hidden<\/u> From Your Client!","Looks":"Looks","Love it!":"Love it!","Loved it!":"Loved it!","Misc. Shoe":"Misc. Shoe","Misc. Accessory":"Misc. Accessory","Necklace":"Necklace","New Finds Section":"New Finds Section","New Look":"New Look","New Lookbook Section":"New Lookbook Section","New Closet Section":"New Closet Section","Next":"Next","No looks have been added to your Lookbook<\/em>.":"No looks have been added to your Lookbook<\/em>.","No Looks Yet!":"No Looks Yet!","NOT currently visible to client":"NOT currently visible to client","Note: If the Closet is visible, all Closet sections will be shown (even if presently empty)!":"Note: If the Closet is visible, all Closet sections will be shown (even if presently empty)!","Notes about this item...":"Notes about this item...","Only clients can 'Like' looks!":"Only clients can 'Like' looks!","Only Outfit with this Item":"Only Outfit with this Item","Optional label to display on image...":"Optional label to display on image...","Oops! There was an issue saving your change. Please check your internet connection and try again!":"Oops! There was an issue saving your change. Please check your internet connection and try again!","Oops! Error saving visibility. Please check your connection and try again.":"Oops! Error saving visibility. Please check your connection and try again.","Oops! Error saving background removal settings. Please check your connection and try again.":"Oops! Error saving background removal settings. Please check your connection and try again.","Oops! There was an issue opening the Canva editor. Please check your internet connection and try again!":"Oops! There was an issue opening the Canva editor. Please check your internet connection and try again!","Oops! Invalid photo file type.":"Oops! Invalid photo file type.","Other Looks With This Item":"Other Looks With This Item","Options...":"Options...","Outfit":"Outfit","Outfits":"Outfits","Pants":"Pants","Please enter a valid email address":"Please enter a valid email address","Photo Upload":"Photo Upload","Photos uploaded by either you or %s will appear here.":"Photos uploaded by either you or %s will appear here.","Photos uploaded by you will appear here.":"Photos uploaded by you will appear here.","Polo":"Polo","Prev":"Prev","Question? Try the FAQ!":"Question? Try the FAQ!","Recent Uploads":"Recent Uploads","Remove Background":"Remove Background","Rendering Image.
Please wait...":"Rendering Image.
Please wait...","Rename Section":"Rename Section","Ring":"Ring","Reset":"Reset","Save":"Save","Save Description":"Save Description","Save Look":"Save Look","Saving...":"Saving...","Scarf":"Scarf","Search Client Name...":"Search Client Name...","Search Catalog...":"Search Catalog...","Search Closet Sections...":"Search Closet Sections...","Searching for:":"Searching for:","Section:":"Section:","Sections help you structure and organize your Finds, Lookbook, and Closet. Create a section via the button in the left sidebar now!":"Sections help you structure and organize your Finds, Lookbook, and Closet. Create a section via the button in the left sidebar now!","See More Looks":"See More Looks","Select Type:":"Select Type:","Shorts":"Shorts","Shirt":"Shirt","T-Shirt":"T-Shirt","Blouse":"Blouse","Cardigan":"Cardigan","Sold Out":"Sold Out","Skirt":"Skirt","Source:":"Source:","Sweater":"Sweater","Swimwear":"Swimwear","Taking Great Outfit Photos":"Taking Great Outfit Photos","Taking Great Apparel Photos":"Taking Great Apparel Photos","Necktie":"Necktie","The Lookbook<\/em> is organized by 'Sections.' Click the Add Lookbook Section<\/b> button in the left sidebar to get started.":"The Lookbook<\/em> is organized by 'Sections.' Click the Add Lookbook Section<\/b> button in the left sidebar to get started.","The Closet Is Currently Hidden<\/u> From Your Audience!":"The Closet Is Currently Hidden<\/u> From Your Audience!","The Closet Is Currently Hidden<\/u> From Your Client!":"The Closet Is Currently Hidden<\/u> From Your Client!","this catalog":"this catalog","This Lookbook doesn't have any sections yet!":"This Lookbook doesn't have any sections yet!","This Finds doesn't have any sections yet!":"This Finds doesn't have any sections yet!","This Catalog's Lookbook doesn't have any sections yet!":"This Catalog's Lookbook doesn't have any sections yet!","This Catalog's Finds doesn't have any sections yet!":"This Catalog's Finds doesn't have any sections yet!","This item was found over a month ago and this page may be missing or out of stock.":"This item was found over a month ago and this page may be missing or out of stock.","This section is empty!":"This section is empty!","Toggle Closet visibility in the left sidebar!":"Toggle Closet visibility in the left sidebar!","Toggle Finds visibility in the left sidebar!":"Toggle Finds visibility in the left sidebar!","Toggle Lookbook visibility in the left sidebar!":"Toggle Lookbook visibility in the left sidebar!","Tote":"Tote","Type:":"Type:","Unable to save! Please ensure you are connected to the internet and try again.":"Unable to save! Please ensure you are connected to the internet and try again.","Update Item":"Update Item","Update Section":"Update Section","Upload":"Upload","Upload Photo":"Upload Photo","Upload Photo(s)":"Upload Photo(s)","Upload photos of items your client owns and add them to this section.":"Upload photos of items your client owns and add them to this section.","Upload photos to add them to this section.":"Upload photos to add them to this section.","Upload Outfit Photo(s)":"Upload Outfit Photo(s)","Upload Photos To Section":"Upload Photos To Section","View":"View","Vest":"Vest","View Item Website":"View Item Website","With This Item":"With This Item","You may also add items to this Catalog's closet by clicking a 'Bought It!' button in the Finds section.":"You may also add items to this Catalog's closet by clicking a 'Bought It!' button in the Finds section.","You may also add items to %s's closet by clicking a 'Bought It!' button.":"You may also add items to %s's closet by clicking a 'Bought It!' button.","You must enter a password if you are password protecting this catalog!":"You must enter a password if you are password protecting this catalog!","You must select a custom header if you choose to display one!":"You must select a custom header if you choose to display one!","Your image caption text...":"Your image caption text...","Your item has been moved from the Finds section to your Closet!":"Your item has been moved from the Finds section to your Closet!","Your audience will not see a Finds<\/em> tab in this Catalog's navigation and cannot see any items or sections in this Catalog's Finds<\/em>.":"Your audience will not see a Finds<\/em> tab in this Catalog's navigation and cannot see any items or sections in this Catalog's Finds<\/em>.","Your client will not see a Finds<\/em> tab in their Wardrobe navigation and cannot see any items or sections in this Wardrobe's Finds<\/em>.":"Your client will not see a Finds<\/em> tab in their Wardrobe navigation and cannot see any items or sections in this Wardrobe's Finds<\/em>.","Your audience will not see a Closet<\/em> tab in this Catalog's navigation and cannot see any items or sections in this Catalog's Closet<\/em>.":"Your audience will not see a Closet<\/em> tab in this Catalog's navigation and cannot see any items or sections in this Catalog's Closet<\/em>.","Your client will not see a Closet<\/em> tab in their Wardrobe navigation and cannot see any items or sections in this Wardrobe's Closet<\/em>.":"Your client will not see a Closet<\/em> tab in their Wardrobe navigation and cannot see any items or sections in this Wardrobe's Closet<\/em>.","Your audience will not see a Lookbook<\/em> tab in this Catalog's navigation and cannot see any Looks or sections in this Catalog's Lookbook<\/em>.":"Your audience will not see a Lookbook<\/em> tab in this Catalog's navigation and cannot see any Looks or sections in this Catalog's Lookbook<\/em>.","Your client will not see a Lookbook<\/em> tab in their Wardrobe navigation and cannot see any Looks or sections in this Wardrobe's Lookbook<\/em>.":"Your client will not see a Lookbook<\/em> tab in their Wardrobe navigation and cannot see any Looks or sections in this Wardrobe's Lookbook<\/em>.","Enable Drag & Drop":"Enable Drag & Drop","Rearrange Looks (Drag & Drop)":"Rearrange Looks (Drag & Drop)","Reorder Looks":"Reorder Looks","Reorder Looks (Drag & Drop)":"Reorder Looks (Drag & Drop)","Rearrange Items":"Rearrange Items","Rearrange Items (Drag & Drop)":"Rearrange Items (Drag & Drop)","Reorder Items":"Reorder Items","Drag & Drop Items to Reorder!":"Drag & Drop Items to Reorder!","Drag & Drop to Rearrange!":"Drag & Drop to Rearrange!","Oops! Error saving order. Please check your connection and try again.":"Oops! Error saving order. Please check your connection and try again.","Question? Click the 'Help' button!":"Question? Click the 'Help' button!","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this section? This will permanently remove all items and comments in this section.":"Are you sure you want to permanently delete this section? This will permanently remove all items and comments in this section.","Are you sure you want to permanently delete this section? This will permanently remove all Looks and comments in this section.":"Are you sure you want to permanently delete this section? This will permanently remove all Looks and comments in this section.","Items may also be dropped onto other sections via the sidebar":"Items may also be dropped onto other sections via the sidebar","Tip:":"Tip:"}